Young Adult Retreat 2022
Drops from the living words - Therapy for the soul
Young Adult Retreat Mission
Our mission is to create the right environment and foundation for the Pan-Orthodox young adults, where they can rediscover the authentic Orthodox spirit, receive the right teachings, and revive the old ethnic traditions, build a sound fellowship, and support each other during these difficult times.
Young Adult Retreat Vision
The future of the Orthodox Church is not about adapting to the times and being cool; it is about being authentic, living in truth and love, and becoming the temple of the Holy Spirit. Without the right teaching, inspiration, support, and communion with other orthodox Christians our young adults will be confused, weak, and lost. This will impact the whole Orthodox Church in her assembly and jeopardize her future.
Father Ieremia (Berbec)
Ph.D. in Mathematics from
the University of California, Berkeley
Father Ieremia (Berbec) was born in Constanța, Romania, in 1978. As a young man, he was the spiritual son of Elder Arsenie Papacioc for 10 years. From 2002 to 2007, he was a Ph.D. student in the Math Department at the University of California, Berkeley.
Upon graduating in 2007, he moved back to Romania and entered the brotherhood of Holy Putna Monastery. He holds a Master’s degree from the “Dumitru Stăniloae” Theological Faculty in IaÈ™i.
In September 2020, with the blessing of his abbot and of his local hierarchs, he moved to the United States where he was assigned as the abbot of Sf. Dimitri Romanian Monastery in Middletown, NY.
Fr. John Downie
Studied Theology at the University of Bucharest
Masters in Biblical Studies, Ph.D. in Theology
Fr. John Downie converted to Orthodoxy after many years of searching out various Orthodox faithful, nuns, monks and priests, meanwhile reading the writings of the ancient and modern Holy Fathers. The unceasing questions during this period of his life were, “what happened to the unity of the Church? And, what happened to the Holy Spirit?”
After several years of regular attendance at various Orthodox Churches in the United States, he spent a year and a half at Koutloumousiou Orthodox Monastery in Mount Athos Greece, to become more familiar with Orthodox Spirituality. The questions he had were resolved there and he was baptized Orthodox in 2001. Then he began his Theological Studies at the University in Bucharest and graduated in 2006.
He finished a master in Biblical Studies in 2008. He received his Ph.D. in Theology - The relation between Father and the Son in the Gospel of St. John - in 2018 at the same institution having Professor Dr. Fr. Constantin Coman as his research coordinator. All of the studies were completed in the Romanian language.
Fr. John and his family lived in Romania for 15 years, eight of which he served as an associate priest at the St. Nicholas University Chapel of Bucharest under the spiritual guidance of Fr. Vasile Gavrila. He moved back un US where he is the Parish Priest for the Holy Archangel Michael Church since 2016.
September 17, 2022 @ 11:00am to 9:00pm
Free admissions, donations welcome
9:00 am - Divine Liturgy - fee attendance
10:30 am - 11:30 am - Registration and Brunch
11:30 am - 12:30 pm - "Let's get to know each other" - team-building games
12:30 pm - 12:45 pm - Coffee and snacks break
12:45 pm - 1:30 pm - Workshops - How to make koliva and Holy Bread (proshora). Instructors: Katie Mironidis and Presbytera Camelia Downie
1:30 pm - 2:00pm - Sandwiches and preparation for the Main speaker's talk - think and write question
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm - Confession and the Spiritual father in the Orthodox Church, speaker Protosingelor Ieremia (Berbec).
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm - Q & A Session
3:30 pm - 4:00 pm - Pan-Orthodox Vespers - all cantors are invited to join Holy Arch. Michael's cantors.
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm - Cookout and bonfire
7:00 pm - 9:30pm - Dance and a lot of fun.
Accommodation: For those who will need accommodation overnight and would like to attend Divine Liturgy and Coffee Hour the next day, our Parish will offer accommodation in the Parish apartment. Approx: 7 beds, and 5 sleeping bags. First come, first serve.
Extra accommodation could be arranged by request, in advance.
St. Siluoan YAR is dedicated to people aged 18-35. Only for the Conference, we will accept people of all ages.
This is a pilot YAR, and this edition will not charge any fee. However, donations will be accepted.